The Best Websites Have Great Copy

How many times a week are you asked, “What’s your website address?” It used to be that a Yellow Pages’ ad, a business card and a brochure were all you ever needed to market your business. Today, that’s certainly not the case, as consumers have changed the way they access information about products and services.

A quality website is an integral part of establishing business legitimacy and attracting new customers. It’s open 24/7 to tell the world what you have to offer.

If you don’t have a website, or if the website you have isn’t producing results, then it may be time to invest in professional website copywriting.

A Website Copywriter Can Help Your Business Grow by Creating a Site That:

  • Gets you prominent placement on search engines and brings in qualified leads
  • Educates your prospects and converts visitors into paying customers
  • Builds your brand by acting like your salesperson all day, every day

Quality Website Copywriting Will Deliver Traffic to Your Site

Build it and they will come seems to be the unspoken slogan of web site design firms and ad agencies. Unfortunately, “cool” designs with “killer” features won’t generate traffic for you on their own.

The key to a successful website lies in knowing how to drive traffic to that site. To put it another way, unless you–or someone–markets your site, you’ll have no visitors – so what’s the point?

Getting found on the web is the first thing savvy website copywriters and Internet marketers think when building a web site.

Website Copywriters Know Search Engine Optimization is a Necessity

Here’s what works: Search Engine Optimization aka SEO.

SEO involves using the right keywords, titles, links, tags and meta data for EVERY PAGE of your website, not just your home page. A website copywriter knows how to carefully craft the tags and descriptions so that pages adhere to Google’s (and the other search engines) guidelines while at the same time providing value to human readers.

Compose Web Copy That Search Engines Love

In today’s highly competitive business environment, SEO done correctly is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for your online success. A skilled website copywriter with SEO expertise will help you get it right.

Website Copywriters Can Convert Visitors into Customers

If you’re successful at driving traffic to your website, you’ve won half the battle. The rest of the job is up to your website’s content. Your words need to quickly convey your message.

They’re your first opportunity to make a lasting, positive impression. A website copywriter can explain what your company is all about in a way that is engaging.

Ideally, you want your visitors to instantly feel a connection, to know you understand their needs. That’s why a website copywriter doesn’t choose words only for the search engine spiders; she writes for people, too.

Don’t deprive your potential customers of the opportunity to get to know you and your business. An experienced writer can compose quality copy that answers their questions and positions your company as the best solution to their problem.

Copy Crafted by a Skilled Web Writer:

  • Provides the exact information the visitor seeks
  • Gives the right amount of detail to establish a connection
  • Enhances your credibility and builds trust
  • Overcomes any possible sales objections
  • Pushes the visitor to take action (buy, subscribe or request more information) today

Remember, visitors who leave your site without having made some form of contact are lost to you forever. Whatever purchase they may be contemplating will likely go elsewhere. Do you really want to take that chance? A professional web writer will use proven techniques to guide visitors toward your objective.

Good Copy Pays for Itself

These days, marketing begins with a professional website. You can’t afford to cut corners when it comes to your online presence.  Your web content is your storefront and your brand. It’s how you differentiate your business from your competition.  It’s how prospects get to know you and decide whether you’re the solution they’re seeking.

Think of hiring a website copywriter as an investment in your company’s future. If the quality of your website content brings you sales, your ROI will be swift and significant. Now, doesn’t that sound good.

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